Sun, Jun 23, 4:00 PM (4 days ago)

Happy Hot weekend everyone, 

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.  With many people going on trips in the next few weeks and with the weather in NC reaching unbelievably hot, we wish that everyone stays cool, indoors and safe!  These temperatures can be very dangerous so please be cautious. 

Closing- July 1st to 6th.  Those on a 2 times a week schedule can make up the classes that they will miss.  

Tournaments- We are looking at possible tournaments for our Competition Teams to attend.  Once we have dates we will let you know.  If your child is interested in getting into our competition teams please come talk to me.  We compete in both Forms and Sparring. The next two on our schedule is one in Greensboro in Jan 2025 and the US Open in mid Feb 2025.  Details will be shared at a later time.

Refer two friends to EFT this summer, and when they sign up for any of our programs, you'll receive a complimentary birthday party valued at $249. We truly appreciate your referrals and want to give back. Simply have two friends sign up, and enjoy a free birthday party on us!

Our first week of Summer Camp went smoothly and we had a blast.  We did many activities and I was told students were in bed at 7:30 :)  We do have space available in our July and August camps if you like to sign up your kids.  We welcome friends as well.  The age for participation is 5-12.  Sign up form is on our website. 

Demo Team- July 13th and 20th we have Birthday parties, parents make sure to put your child's name on the schedule so I know who will be there. 

We always welcome students who train on vacation and send us pictures or videos to share.  

See you in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Co-Owner & Program Director of Elite Fire Taekwondo, Inc.

Sun, Jun 16, 9:25 PM (11 days ago)

Happy father's day to our EFT Dads! 

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and enjoyed spending family time together.  

As you all know we had a visitor last week, Master Farhad who is Master Houman's old friend from back home. Master Farhad comes with many years of experience in Taekwondo in both Sparring and Forms. We were thrilled that he accompanied Master Houman and his team to the Tournament on Saturday.  We hope to see him again very soon!

A Big Congratulations to our Competition Team.  Master Houman took two students to the NC State Championships known as BodyArmor and came home with two Golds Congratulations to Master Houman, his students, Violet in Forms and Mahdi in Sparring.The EFT family is always proud of its students' achievements and the support of their parents and families. These students train one on one with Master Houman three nights a week (extra from other classes) to achieve their goals as a National and International Champion one day.  If your child is interested in trying such training please let us know.  We always welcome those students who thrive on setting high goals and working hard for it. 

Last week we mentioned that as part of our Father's Day celebrations we invite All EFT Dads to join the low ranks classes all of this week.  Any day that you like to try a class just wear workout clothes and come in.  We do ask that you do our White belt classes and your students can join you in those classes regardless of their rank, just for this week.  We sure hope to see some Dads on the mats ;) 

Monday 17th, is the first day of Summer Camp.  We look forward to a very fun week with our campers.  We will open at 9 am.  Let me know if you have any questions.  See you tomorrow morning.

As a reminder EFT dojang will be closed the 4th of July week, July 1-6th.  You can see all our important dates on our website year around,

Reminder- July 9th Leadership Team Teaching friends.  Leadership Team members hope you are looking for two friends to bring to class (leadership class) to teach.  Your big chance to be a teacher on the day so don't miss it.  

On a personal note: Thank you to those of you who attended my classes Saturday.  I enjoyed teaching again and had a great time. 

See you in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Co-Owner & Program Director of Elite Fire Taekwondo, Inc.

Sat, Jun 1, 11:29 AM

Dear EFT families,

Hope you enjoyed your weekend.  We are slowly getting ready for the summer.  Here are our announcements for what is coming soon.

Special classes (makeup for next week) this Sunday.  Tomorrow starting at 9 am with Elite Embers, 9:30 White and Yellow belts, 10:15 Sparring for all ranks and 11 Board breaking for Green and up. 

Dojang closed June 6-8.  We will be in Buffalo NY for a Taekwondo conference.  I will be posting a lot during that time on our Instagram.  Make sure to follow us there to see what we are up to! 

June 15th is the BodyArmor State Games.  Two of our students on the competition team along with Master Houman will be going to Concord, NC to participate.  Wish them luck.  We will be having regular classes on that day.  

Summer Camp June 17-21.  We do have space available for anyone to register last min.  There is no extra fee for our own members.

We appreciate all those who support us everyday and especially during summer times when many freeze their memberships.  Having an active account allows us to continue to provide the high quality teaching that we provide and give our staff enough hours for the summer time.  We are grateful.  Thank you for supporting our small business 

Side note- please make sure all toe nails are trimmed.  Many of our target holders are getting cut because students do not cut their toenails.  This could be especially dangerous during sparring.  It is very important that we keep all nails short.  Also, wash feet if kids are outside running in the dirt or sand before stepping on the mats.  Thank you so much for your attention.  

See you all in classes,

Neshat Mirzaei
Co-Owner & Program Director of Elite Fire Taekwondo, Inc.

Next Week’s Announcements

Sun, May 19, 7:38 PM

Hello fabulous EFT students and families,

We had a wonderful Saturday with Majority of students testing over 100 and earning their new belts.  Congratulations to all who tested and put on a great performance. We also like to congratulate our Black Belt candidates who tested and did a beautiful job.  Overall, everyone did a superb job and we felt so proud.  

New belts- Will be given out at the end of classes.  Students must come to their current belt level class and wear their current belt to exchange it with a new one. 

Chingoo week- Starting Monday students can bring a friend to a class.  Not sparring or board breaking classes.  White belt classes are recommended and higher ranks can attend those classes with their friends.  We encourage Everyone to bring a friend. Age does not matter.  

Anyone attending needs to fill out a waiver form, please share this link with your friend (parent's of a friend) They can not participate without this form. 

Summer Camp- We would love to get more participants for our Summer Camps. We are offering three camps this summer.  We do need a few more students for the week of June 17-21 to have it open. 

Holiday closing- Saturday and Monday May 25th and 27th. 

Birthday parties- We are now booking Birthday parties for the Fall.  Let us know now if you like to book your child's birthday party with us.  All party information can be found on our website. 

Book club- A new activity will be introduced starting June.  With students being out of school we believe keeping up with reading is very important.  Details will be shared soon.  

See you in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Co-Owner & Program Director of Elite Fire Taekwondo, Inc.

Next Week’s Announcements

"What Mother Means"

by Karl Fuchs

 "Mother" is such a simple word,

But to me there's a meaning seldom heard.

For everything I am today,

My mother’s love showed me the way.

I’ll love my mother all my days,

For enriching my life in so many ways.

She set me straight and then set me free,

And that’s what the word "mother" means to me. 

Dear EFT families,

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday and hopefully you all spent time with your loved ones, especially your Mom if she lives close to you.  Moms are always in our hearts no matter where they are.  We sure have amazing mothers at EFT and we are very lucky to have all of you. Very grateful too!

Next week is a very busy week due to testing for All ranks.  We will be focusing on "Testing preparation" in classes all of this week. 

  • Testing papers- Due by Thursday. You can turn them in anytime.  Make sure to fill out all the parts and pay online. Please pay before turning them in. Thank you! Do NOT Email me testing papers, I need the hard copy by Thursday.  Any papers turned in on Friday will be considered late. 

  • If you have any questions about your child's stripes ask Master Houman before class starts.  

  • UNIFORMS are Required for testing. NO T-SHIRTS on Saturday.

  • All information is on our website.  Member Login password is eftfamily. 

  • Yellow belts and up will need their sparring gears on first.  We do NOT lend sparring gears on testing days.  You can buy pieces that you forget or do a makeup test.  

  • Private test or makeup test for those who can not make it on the 18th is Tuesday at 4pm and Wed at 4. If you can not make any of those days and times we will need to set up another time.  

  • For makeup tsts, please turn in testing papers by Thursday and pay online. 

We will Not have classes on Saturday as most students will be testing. 

As a reminder for everyone, especially new members, you can always find all of our important dates such as testing days, school closing, events, etc on our website under Important Dates.

See you in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Co-Owner & Program Director of Elite Fire Taekwondo, Inc.

Next Week’s Announcements

Sun, May 5, 7:39 PM

Dear wonderful EFT families and students,

Hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready for next week's activities.  A lot is going on at EFT so please read the email and do not skip paragraphs ;) 

What a great indoor picnic we had on Sunday.  Lots of fun and it was great to have all teams spending time together.  Pictures will be posted on our social media. Looked like everyone was having a good time and the food was delicious.  Thank you parents for your help everything 

Thank you to those of you who gave us a Review last week.  All the reviews mean a lot to us and we take them to heart.  Our goal is 100 so if you haven't shared your thoughts yet please do so at this time.  Appreciate it very much! 

All Belts Testing May 18th:

  • Elite Embers @ 9:30

  • White to Yellow stripe to Yellow belt @ 10-10:30

  • Yellow to Green stripe to Green belt @ 10:30-11

  • Green belt to Blue stripe to Blue belt @ 11-11:45

  • Blue belt to Red stripe to Red belt @ 11:45-12:30

  • Red belt to Black stripe to Brown belt @ 12:30-1:15

  • Black Belt testing @ 4-6

Great project- Mrs Ashlynn has made a great video for her Black Belt project talking about her journey in Taekwondo and with us at EFT to this point.  We encourage you all to watch and show your kids and share with friends.  Here is the link, which you can find on our website under Blog.

Teacher Appreciation Evening- Super Important!  Use this link to let us know who will be participating

See attachment for your invitation!  We only have less than a week to make this happen. Please make sure your kids participate in this event.  I am also talking about our teenagers! The Demo Team will perform for this event. 

Reminder: We still have space available in our Summer Camps. Feel free to invite your children's friends to attend with your child.  We have fun camps planned with Demo practices and Board breaking lessons. participants must be 5 years and older. 

Demo Team- Friday night performance for teachers, Saturday Birthday Party. We will have a quick practice Thursday night after board breaking.  Please be there.  

You can now start turning in testing papers. Make sure to pay online before you turn in the paper.

Last note: Summer times are always slower times with new members. We appreciate referrals for these slow months. A new uniform is gifted to anyone who sends us a referral who signs up for one of our programs (excluding Summer Camps). 

We appreciate you and  see you all in classes,

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next Week’s announcements

Sun, Apr 28, 11:30 AM

Dear EFT parents, students and families, 

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend and are ready for next week.

Here are the announcements for what is coming next:

Monday is Day Camp.  Due to a low number of attendees we will need to cancel.  Please contact me if you have signed up and paid. We apologise for this change.  

Demo Team- Birthday party Saturday. Make sure to fill out the schedule online, which I have shared with you before.

May 5th is our Leadership and Demo Team picnic.  It is from 11am-2 pm. We have rented a shelter for that time but I am sure we can stay longer.  The shelter is the biggest shelter there and the address is 8305 Camp Durant Rd. I will send a separate email closer to the date. We have 51 people attending at this time. You can still sign up!

May 10th is our first Teacher Appreciation Evening.  It will start at 6 so any classes on that Friday from that time will be cancelled.  We encourage ALL students of ALL ages to invite their teachers to come and do a class with us, followed by a pizza party. The Link for Teacher Appreciation Evening, Fill this out once you know your teacher will be coming with you.  This information allows me to order pizza and have enough staff helping out.   Please, see attached flyer which you should print and use to invite your teacher.  It is $8 for both you and your teacher which you can pay in cash at the office anytime after you send in the form.  Attached is the invitation you will need to print and give to your teacher. Help us to make this a huge event!

Please bring Nunchucks for next Saturday's Self Defense class. 

We can now wear EFT t-shirt (Not any other t-shirts just those with our logo on it) to all classes as an "option".  This is for classes only, not testing days.  

As a reminder May 18th is All belts testing. This coming week we will be focusing on Sparring stripes and the following week will be Board breaking. Elite Embers just need to come to their regular classes.  Let me know if you have any questions. We do not have times out yet, more info will be provided after next week. 

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next Week’s announcements

Sun, Apr 21, 8:43 PM

Hello beautiful EFT families,

What a great In-House Tournament! Thank you so much to those who signed up and encouraged their children to participate.  They all learned a great deal and went home with a trophy.  Thank you to the parents who helped run a smooth tournament.  The Food Truck sure made it much more delicious :) Pictures have been shared, make sure to take a look.

Three of our students participated in the 2024 Carolina Rumble. Malachai, Simon and Mahdi learned a lot training with the US Olympic Team and other Taekwondo schools over the weekend. Be sure to talk with them about their experience.  Pictures will be shared on social media.  This was a two days event with non-stop training, sparring and lots of action. Master Houman and I were there both days and are very proud of our athletes! 

Thursday is the International Festival at Wiley Elementary.  Some of our Black Belt Candidates will be there with me to introduce Taekwondo to the students there.  If you attend Wiley stop by our table and say hi! Thank you to Mrs Erin (John's Mom for arranging it).

Friday, Dr Spooner and Mr Sean will be at the Dojang to receive a big check from our Fundraising group.  Elite Fire Taekwondo is always proud of what it does for its community.  Black Belt Candidates please be here at 5:15 to be part of the presentation.  

Saturday, is the last seminar (3rd), Black Belt Candidates will be doing their final test and they all must be present and pass their test.  Wish them luck.  You all have one week to ask any questions that you have about the test on Saturday.  All Black Belt notebooks must be turned in, completed.  Double and triple check your pages. 

Sunday, we have our last Black Belt project/class at the Dojang. 

April 29th is CAMP DAY.  Make sure to sign up online.  You can also use the same link to register for Summer Camp.  Both camps are open to the Public.  Invite your friends to attend and have a good time.  As a rule we need min of 5 people to have a camp.

May 4th- Demo Team- Birthday Party at EFT.  Demo Team members need to be at the class and Birthday Party. 

Please check "Important Dates" on our website for all the dates of events and activities so you can make your summer plans accordingly and not miss important dates at EFT. Password is eftfamily. 

We will start wearing EFT t-shirts starting May 1st (Optional). 

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Elite Fire Taekwondo

Sat, Apr 13, 11:31 AM

Good day dear parents,

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  

Next week's activities:

Wednesday 17th- Mommy and Me Aya (Taekwondo yell).  Starts at 10-10:30.  A parent can train with her/his toddler during this time.  This is a PoPup Class and Free for all. Non-members will need to sign a waiver to participate.  

Thursday 17th- In-Hose Tournament

  • Elite Embers- 4:30

  • Forms- 4: 40

  • Board Breaking- 5:40

  • Sparring- 6:30

Full uniforms are required to compete in All categories.  For Sparring, all gears are required.  

This is a tournament and not a class so you may need to wait a while for your time to compete. Patience is one of our Taekwondo Life Skills which needs to be practiced on the 18th :)   

No regular classes on this day! 

April 25th- International Festival at Wiley. Some students will be participating and Mrs Neshat will be there as well. 

April 27th- 3rd BB Seminar and Testing- All Black Belt Candidates will need to turn in their completed BB notebooks. All projects must be done and written up.  If you do not attend this seminar, you will not test!  Make sure to be ready for all you have to do that day.  

April 29th- Day Camp- You can go ahead and sign up at this time.  

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next Week’s Announcements

Sun, Apr 7, 10:31 PM

Good evening wonderful EFT students and families,

We hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend.  It sure helped our Black Belt candidates with their Fundraising Hike on Saturday afternoon.  This group was able to raise   $1800 in donations and about $700 in merchandise sales at the event.  We had 66 EFT family members including grandparents who participated in the two hour guided hike by Dr Jean from Umstead Coalition.  Job well done by our BB candidates.  Thank you to all those who donated but couldn't make the hike.  We hope that our students learned a lot of different skills through this Fundraising Project!

On Saturday we had another very fun class with parents, grandparents and siblings joining in our All belt class.  It really was fun watching how happy everyone looked.  We will try to do these classes at least once a month. 

April 10th is our Day Camp.  We still have space available if you like to sign up your child. 

IN-HOUSE SPRING TOURNAMENT APRIL 18TH- Deadline for Registration is the 9th, this Tuesday.  Students in all belt ranks can participate in this friendly fun tournament.  We learn so much from a competition.   Winning and losing, feeling pain, being nervous, what to do with all the emotions and so much more.  Here is the link,

April 16th- A new PopUp class called Mommy and Me Aya! This class is for Moms and their 2-3 year old child.  It will start at 10am-10:30.  All you need to do is show up!  Moms will need to sign a waiver if they are not a student. This class is Free and no uniform is needed.

May 10th- We will have our first EFT Teacher Appreciation Evening.  Each student gets to invite one teacher to do a Taekwondo class.  It will be a Friday night from 6-7 and EFT will provide pizza.  There will be a sign up sheet later.  Just put this date on your calendars. 

We wanted to thank those who  wrote Reviews for us the last few weeks.  These Reviews give us so much motivation and it helps others looking for a Taekwondo school.  We just want you to know how much we appreciate you all.

Lastly, do not forget to follow us on Instagram and Facebook where we share updates, pictures, videos and much more.

Let's have a wonderful week,

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next Week’s Announcements

Sun, Mar 31, 8:55 PM

Good evening EFT families,

Hope you all had a great weekend, Holiday, Spring Break and time off. We worked half of the closing time and the other half we tried to enjoy spending time with some friends and our family.  Master Houman did a one day trip to Atlanta and back to buy equipment for EFT.  The next day we had to fit it all in the Dojang :)  We had placed a big order two months ago which has been stuck at the customs for a while now they tell me. 

Saturday April 6th is our clothing swap.  Go ahead and bring your clothes, shoes, accessories and anything you don't need but it is in good shape to pass on to someone else to the Dojang starting Monday.  On Saturday I will have them all arranged in the back room for you all to come and pick what you can use.  This idea was given to me by some of our moms and I am  giving it a go. 

Saturday April 6th is also our Black Belt candidates Fundraising event.  Make sure to sign up to participate and you can donate as well.   Please see attached flyer for more detail.  Our Black Belt candidates need your help to make their fundraiser a success!    

Updated schedule starts this week.  Tuesdays have been moved up by 15 min.  Please check the link for the exact time.  We have added 6 competition classes to our eventings for our competition team.

April 6th at 10:30 All Belt class, ALL parents are invited to train with their kids.  It is a fun class to spend time with your child and also to try some Taekwondo.  

April 10th is Day Camp for all kids.  Sign up on our website.

Summer camp.  Prices will increase at the end of April, make sure to sign up 


IN-HOUSE SPRING TOURNAMENT April 18th. This is a fantastic opportunity for all students of all ages to try competition in a safe and friendly environment. There is a chance to win trophies.  It has always been a huge success and lots of fun.   We will not have regular classes on that day but competitions all day. For Black Belt candidates it is a requirement.  Deadline is April 9th. 

Looking forward to a great week ahead,

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next week's announcements

Mar 24, 2024, 4:04

Dear EFT parents and students,

Hope you are having a nice weekend.  We have a few announcements for the weeks coming up! 

Clothing Swap is still going on- with the spring break and Easter holidays many have been out of town so we will do the actual swapping April 6th.  You can drop off your items from now till that day.  

Spring Break and Easter Holiday Closing- March 28-30, Thursday to Saturday.  We will be closed.

April 1st- New schedule starts.  The only change is Tuesdays will start 15min earlier so all classes that day will move up.  Please check the new schedule attached and online. 

In House Tournament April 18th.  We will not have regular classes but turn that day into an In House Spring Tournament.  We will start at 4:30 with Elite Embers and follow with low rank forms. We will have board breaking and sparring as well.  A very Fun Day.  Registration form will be emailed next week.  Mark your calendar for that day.  We will be giving out trophies to the competitors!  Will have more details later next week.

Black Belt Fundraising- Please help our Black Belt candidates with their Fundraising project which is a very good one.  It requires your attention and participation.  Please check out the flyer at the Dojang and the table that has been set up outside with information.  All families can participate and all of your friends :) 

Smolders gathering- Sushi night on the 21st.  Details will be emailed to the group directly later. 

Leadership Team and Demo Team picnic -o

On May 5th.  Details will be in this link for you to sign up,

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next week's announcements

3/17/2024 10:15 AM

Good morning Amazing EFT parents and students,

Hope you all had a nice week and are enjoying this beautiful weather.  Yesterday we had a great testing and we like to congratulate all our testers for the fabulous job they did. Please bring students to their current class to get their new belts and they do need their current belt to change it with a new one.  Yellow belts, you will need sparring gears. You need to purchase those from the office.  Sparring is not optional, it is part of the curriculum moving up. 

Thank you to our students who participated in the Poomsae Seminar.  We had close to 30 students and instructors training. It was a very nice group and students learned a lot. Our students had the opportunity to train with our friend's school Kim's Yong-In Martial Arts and made new friends.  This is what Taekwondo is all about. 

Upcoming events:

*NO Leadership class on March 19th.  It is "Nowruz" which is our New Year (First Day of Spring) and we must have dinner at our parents' house. :) 

**Clothing swap 3/23- We are collecting clothes, accessories, shoes, purses, belts and whatever you have in your closet that is in good shape and clean but you or your child no longer need it or have outgrown it.  You can bring your items starting tomorrow. ON Saturday everyone can walk around (in the back) and pick what you need.  Please do NOT drop off your Goodwill Items.  This is a swap not donations.  We are doing this because some parents had mentioned it before so we hope that many of you will participate. 

***For those students who will be on our Competition Teams, training will start Monday April 1st (Not a fool's day in this regard).  Congratulations to Mahdi, Malachi and Violet for committing to Competition Teams. We are very excited to start this journey. 

****April 10th is a Teacher Workday.  We will have Day Camp. Thank you to those of you who have let others know about our camps and have brought friends and neighbors to spend a day with us.

*****Summer camp link  The price for Summer Camp will increase May 1st.  Please go ahead and sign up your child now. Non-members are also welcome.

******We will have a new schedule with Team practices added.  Classes are added to the end of the day so nothing would be changed for others. 

A Kind Note:

Dear members, I found it necessary to write a few words about our EFT Family. The older members know our story but the new members do not. As some of you remember we had a very hard time during Covid, as we trained outside in a parking garage 6 days a week, 4 hours a day to keep kids and parents from going crazy and continue to learn, test, compete and do our best with keeping as normal as we possibly could.  We did what NO Other school did and finally when time came moved to our new location where we train today.  We are proud of what we have together and as you all know it is a community, a family.  We give back to our community as much as possible and the community keeps us going. We are a small husband and wife business and our survival depends on everyone around us. Working together and thriving together. We have a passion for what we do 6 days a week (Sundays we also work as you see me sending emails) and we do not change it for anything else. We ask you to not look at EFT as a business but a community that belongs there.  We appreciate those of you who are always helping by inviting friends and neighbors to our program. We appreciate those of you who are volunteering when we ask or don't ask. We appreciate those of you who continue to keep your memberships going even when you are on vacation. We appreciate those of you who talk to us about your kid's needs and trust us in working with you and the kids.  We appreciate it so much and we wanted you to know that! 

See you in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Competition Team Information

Mar 11, 2024, 7:10 PM

 Dear EFT members,

This email is for students who are interested in doing competitions, State, National, and International.  We are starting a new schedule which includes three classes a week for competition team members only.  If you or your child/children are interested in joining the team please let me know to add the names to the list. 

Here are some information: 

Poomsae Team classes: Tues 7-7:45, Wed 7:15-7:45, Fr 6:45-7:30

Sparring Team classes: Mon 7:15-8, Thur 7:15-7:45, Sat 8:30-9:30

Fee: $100 a month per student

Competitions to attend: Body Armor June 15th, Nationals, US Open, and any qualifying competition needed to get there.  

Students who will do competition will not be attending all regular classes.  We will go over the ones they need.  We will go over team details when we know who is on the teams and contact you directly.  

The days and times you see are what we are offering.  If you are going to be on the team you have to attend those classes (no you can not do just two or another day).  

We will need all names in by this Friday.  Let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.  

Looking forward to seeing your name, 
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next week's announcements

Sun, Mar 10, 10:02 AM

Dear EFT amazing parents,
Hope your weekend is going well.  We have a few announcements for next week. 

Testing Saturday March 16th.  ALL TESTING PAPERS MUST BE TURNED IN BY THURSDAY AND PAID ONLINE.  Students must have a full uniform on.  Yellow belts and Green stripes need to have sparring gears on when they come in, they will do sparring first. If they forget their gears they will do a private test.  Private test date will be Tuesday 19th at 4:15.  No classes on testing day! 

Poomsae Seminar March 16th. Starts at 2:30 sharp. Full uniform is required. 
Monday is Camp Day.  I need at least 5 students to keep it open.  If you are thinking about registering your child please do so right away.  

Thank you to the parents who came to the special class Saturday and kicked with their kids.  Everyone had a fun time. Pictures and videos will be posted on our social media.  Make sure to follow us!

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next week's announcements

Mar 3, 2024, 3:43 PM

Happy Sunday amazing EFT families,

Hope you all have enjoyed your weekend and are ready for our exciting week ahead.  

Tuesday March 5th- Camp Day

We have space available if you like to sign up.

Demo Team- March 9th Birthday party. Sign up on the spreadsheet.

Poomsae Seminar- March 16th
Testing Day-March 16th. Exact times were emailed last week and will be posted at the Dojang.  All Elite Embers and White-Green belt students make sure to attend classes the next two weeks to earn all your stripes.  You can start registering online at this time and please turn in your testing papers.  They are due Thurs March 14th.  

This testing is not for new students.  Students will need 5 stripes and two months of training to test. 

Registration is open for:

Summer camp-

Camp Olympiad-

Exciting News:
All parents
can train with their kids next Saturday at our
All Belt class.  We will have a very special promotion for that day Only if a parent decides to join our program and train with their child!  Saturday March 9th ONLY at All belt class.  All adults are welcome!

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Testing times for March 16th

12:36 PM (4 hours ago)
to Elite, bcc: me

Good day,

Some parents need this information earlier so I am sharing it now.  You can sign up for testing and follow the instructions. All testing papers must be printed (in color), all filled out and turned in by next Thursday.  I do not accept email copies. Testing papers turned in after Thursday will count as late.  Private testing is available after testing day, a date will be announced after the test. 

Please make sure your students have all their stripes for testing,  Yellow belts and up will spar first and must be in full uniform (no t-shirts) with their full gear on when they arrive.  

Testing times for March 16th:
Elite Embers- 9:30-10
White Belts and Yellow Stripe Belts-  10-10:30
Yellow Belts and Green Stripe Belts- 10:30-11

Let me know if you have any questions,

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director


Wed, Feb 28, 4:37 PM
to Elite, bcc: me

Good day everyone,

This is a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to register for the Poomsae seminar.  We highly recommend this seminar for those who need the extra practice for classes or testing and for those who are interested in competition.  

We already have students signed up for other Taekwondo schools. It will be a nice experience for those who attend. 

March 5th- is Teacher Workday.  We are open for a full day camp.  We need min of 5 to run the camp so please sign up as soon as possible so we know how many will be attending.

Thank you all,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Day Camp March 5th

Mon, Feb 26, 4:34 PM (3 days ago)
to Elite, bcc: me

Good news!  We are now open for a fun Day Camp for another surprise Teacher Workday.  You can register on our website.  Go to Register and choose Public to pick Day Camp. 

Let me know if you have any questions,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Next week's announcements

Sat, Feb 24, 2:53 PM
to Elite, bcc: me

Happy Weekend wonderful families,

I am going to start with a message from Oneblood, "  We are pleased to share with you that the recent blood drive resulted in 10 units of blood. Remember, each donation can save up to three lives so that means 30 patients could benefit from the lifesaving efforts of blood donors at Elite Fire Taekwondo. We encourage you to share the drive results with the rest of your team and please pass along our gratitude for their life saving efforts. "

This is something we do once or twice a year so you will have a chance to donate again. Thank you all!

Thank you Demo Team for a great Demo at the birthday party.  Our next Birthday is March 9th, make sure to check the schedule.  

March 2nd is our 2nd Black Belt Seminar, candidates make sure you are ready for your test.  It takes practice and determination to do these tests and do well.  If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.  

March 16th- Next testing for Elite Embers and Low Ranks.  Make sure to attend classes to get your stripes to be ready.  

March 16th- Poomsae Seminar-  We already have many attending from other schools and space is becoming limited. Make sure to sign up by Feb 29th.  This Seminar is excellent for those students who need more training with Forms or those testing for Black Belts or those who are interested in competition or those who are on Leadership Team and like to teach others.  It is an intense training so make sure students are high rank and ready for it. 

Link for Summer Camp
Link for our Olympiad Camp

This camp was designed for students who are interested in Sparring Competition.  It is for very serious students and it will be National Team style practices. 

Volunteer Club- As mentioned earlier this year, we have started a new Club for students who are looking for volunteer work in the community.  We need a parent who can be the Lead for this group.  We would like to start participating soon. 

We are designating one Saturday morning for "Clothing Swapping".  March 23rd.,  The week of, we will start collecting any clothing or toys that you want to swap with.  You can also drop off that Saturday morning.  

Let's have another fun week,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Sat, Feb 17, 1:51 PM
to Elite, bcc: me

Happy weekend EFT families,

Hope you are having a great weekend!

Our Blood drive was a success.  Thank you to those of you who were able to come out and made a donation.  Just know that your blood will one day save a life!  

We will be OPEN MONDAY.  Regular schedule. 

Tuesday we have DAY CAMP.  You can still sign up  All information is on our website in the link provided.

Demo Team- Saturday 24th we have a Birthday Party. All Demo Team members (new ones too) will need to be at the Demo Class and stay for the party.  Demo Team can be picked up at 1:30. 

Demo Team parents- I sent out invites to many of you to join our schedule spreadsheet.  It is important that you look at all the dates and put a Yes or No for the event listed. If you don't know how to use the sheet let me know.  

High Rank Students ATTENTION: Many of you are not attending Sparring classes.  We do know who comes and who doesn't! You may not like every part of Taekwondo but you still need to practice what you don't like because that is Life!  Also, for those students testing for their Black Belts, if they do not attend Sparring classes they will not test in May.  Hi rank classes are Tuesdays at 6.  If that doesn't work for you then attend the Thursday night 5:45 class.  You will need to make it work. (parents please read this to your children)

Leadership Team members- Please take a look at the schedule and make notes or changes needed.  You need to let me know when you will be attending.  I am seeing students at various times.  

POOMSAE SEMINAR- Registration deadline is Feb 29th.  Here is the link

Summer Camp- It is online and  

We look forward to a fun week ahead.  Make sure to follow our FB page and Instagram for information and all the fun pictures we post daily.  Google Reviews are also greatly appreciated!  

See you in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Feb 16, 2024, 4:40 PM
to Elite, bcc: me

Dear Parents,

We are thrilled to invite your child to Elite Fire Taekwondo Summer Camp 2024, where fun meets education for an unforgettable summer experience! Our camp is designed to keep children engaged, entertained, and learning in a dynamic environment.

Our daily schedule is packed with exciting activities:

Morning sessions begin promptly at 9:00 AM with a group game to kick-start the day. This is followed by energizing yoga, an obstacle course for agility and coordination, and strength-building exercises. Mid-morning, we take a break for a healthy snack and introduce students to the thrilling world of board breaking and demonstrations, alternating days. At the end of each week, parents are invited to a special showcase to witness the skills their children have learned.

Lunchtime, starting at noon, is not just about refueling; it's an opportunity for students to learn table manners and proper eating etiquette. After lunch, we engage in reading time, ensuring that every child has the chance to enjoy a good book.

In the afternoons, our activities continue with Taekwondo classes, various sports and games such as soccer and dodgeball, and creative art sessions.

Throughout the camp weeks, we'll have special guests joining us to talk about exciting topics relevant to children. Stay connected with us through our private Facebook group for daily updates, pictures, and activity announcements.

Rest assured, your child will be under the supervision of experienced adults, led by Mrs. Neshat, with support from our leadership team members.

Secure your child's spot now by registering online at

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity for your child to learn, grow, and have a blast this summer at Elite Fire Taekwondo Summer Camp 2024!

Warm regards,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Summer Camp 2024

Thu, Feb 15, 7:40 PM
to Elite, bcc: me

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Get ready for an unforgettable summer experience at Elite Fire Taekwondo Summer Camp 2024! Our camp is not your typical summer program - we offer a unique blend of fun, education, and excitement that will keep your child engaged and entertained.

Camp Schedule:

  • Start Time: 9:00 AM sharp

  • Morning Activities:

    • Group game until 9:15 AM or until all campers arrive

    • Yoga session to kick-start the day

    • Obstacle course for agility and coordination

    • Strength-building exercises

    • Snack break mid-morning to recharge

    • Introduction to board breaking and demonstrations, alternating days

    • Friday showcase for parents to witness the skills learned throughout the week

  • Lunch Time: 12:00 PM

    • Emphasis on table manners and eating etiquette

    • Opportunity for proper table conversation

    • Reading time after lunch, with assistance for those who need it

  • Afternoon Activities:

    • Taekwondo classes focusing on basic moves and target kicking

    • Various sports and games including soccer, dodgeball, and tailgating games

    • Art sessions to spark creativity

  • Special Guests:

    • Throughout the summer, we'll have guest speakers and presenters to talk about exciting topics relevant to children. We'll keep you informed about upcoming guests via our private Facebook group.


Important Notes:

  • Your child will be supervised by experienced adults, led by Mrs. Neshat, along with assistance from our leadership team members. We prioritize safety, fun, and learning in all our activities.

  • Stay connected with us through our private Facebook group for daily updates, pictures, and activities.

Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity for your child to learn, grow, and have a blast this summer at Elite Fire Taekwondo Summer Camp 2024!

Warm regards,
Elite Fire Taekwondo Summer Camp Organizer
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Sun, Feb 11, 12:25 PM

Good day Dear EFT families,

This has been a busy weekend for everyone and we started ours with a Demo Team tryout and continued with Parent Date Night.  It was a Valentine Theme event. 

Blood drive Feb 17th Saturday-  Donor Link:

Make sure to sign up here to reserve your exact time.  The bus will be right outside the Dojang.  It is open to all so all family members can participate. 

We had a successful Demo Tryout.  Students' names will be written on the mirror so they can see if they made the team! Lots of fun and looking forward to having a big group of participants.  

On Feb 14th, all students can wear something Red.  We are flexible on what students wear as long as it is Red and suitable for their training. (No short shorts, skirts, dresses, or costumes)

Feb 18th, Smolders' outing- Bowling. Miss Lori has been sending out emails if you are in this group and are not getting an email please let me know.

We are open on Presidents Day.

Feb 20th DAY CAMP. 

Demo Team: Birthday Party on the 24th.  Whoever makes the team should attend.  We will talk more during the Demo Class and with a separate email. 

We had a beautiful Black Belt Ceremony Friday night for our new Black Belts. Congratulations to the following students: 3rd Degree Spencer, 2nd Degree Julian, Violet, Charlie, 1st Degree Felix, John, Lovell, Stella, and Ava.  Take a look at all the pictures on our Facebook page and Instagram page.  

Looking forward to a wonderful week ahead,

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Mon, Feb 5, 10:07 AM

Happy Monday EFT families,

Hopefully you all had a great weekend.  We had the Rumble Saturday afternoon from 3-6 and went really well.  Students who participated got a lot of experience and had a very good training and sparring with other students and Masters ;) Great job!

Now for this week:

Saturday Feb 10th- Parent Date Night! The theme is Valentine's Day so we will be making some related art work, playing games, eating pizza, watching a movie and eating some heart shaped cookies and chocolate.  It is open to all so you can invite friends to join as well.  Register online.

Lost & Found- Parents, our basket is overflowing. We have jackets, uniforms, shoes, lots of water bottles with names on them, books and sparring gears! We will donate them all on Friday.  So, pick up what may be your child's. Thank you.

Summer Camp- Is now open and online.  We are offering 3 weeks, one week each month. Space is limited so register now.  This year our camps are very different and unique. They are not just a summer camp, they are specifically designed for Taekwondo students who like to learn more and have a great time in a safe and high quality environment. We have added board breaking and demonstration to this year's camps! 

Elite Olympiad Camp- Elite Sparring Camp, National Team level Training. This is the first time we are offering such a camp.  As students are becoming more interested in competitions, it is a good idea to do training that is meant for that level.  This will give them a good idea of how they can proceed with their passion in Sparring and Competition.  Register online.

Friday Feb 9th we have our Black Belt Ceremony at 7 pm.  All students who tested back in Nov will be getting their new belts,  A separate email was sent out last week with details,  let me know if you did not get that email. 

Saturday Feb 10th-  Demo Team Tryout. All current Demo Team members need to attend. Students who are interested in trying out come to the Demo Team class on Saturday at 12-1.  Come talk to me if you need more information. 

Demo Team- Birthday party Feb 24th.  Make sure to sign up.

Thank you all and see you in classes,

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

From: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>
Date: Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 5:40 PM
Subject: This week's announcements
To: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>

Dear EFT families,

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and your Monday is going well so far.  

We just have a few announcements;

Sat 3rd is Rumble Sparring at Yong-In Martial Arts.  The 31st is the last day to register.

This is not a competition but students get to do lots of sparring matches with the coach's instruction and it is very good practice for those who like Sparring.  

Demo Team Tryout Feb 10th at 12-1. Students who are Green and up can try out.  Students who make the Demo Team must be in our BBAP-B or C. (Black Belt Achievement Program).  You can always join or upgrade. Current Demo Team members need to try out too.  If you need more information please ask me, I will be happy to explain in more detail.

Valentine Parent Date Night Feb 10th 6-9.  We will be playing, eating pizza, valentine themed dessert, Valentine arts & crafts,  and watching a movie.  Your kids can also invite their non-taekwondo friends.  Register here  

Blood Drive Feb 17th 9:30am- 1:30pm.  The Bus will be parked in front of the Dojang and you can stop by anytime to donate blood.  

Summer Camp Dates to save- 6/17-21, 7/15-19, 8/5-9.  A detailed email will be sent out this week with a registration link.  We are working on making your child's experience with us very special.   

Olympiad Camp- This is a very unique camp designed for those students whose goal is to achieve the highest level of competition in Taekwondo Sparring.  The students need to be 8 years old and have a Blue Belt with a Red stripe and Up.  I will send out another email for this camp with the registration link.  This camp is Advance and Serious.  The date is 7/22-26, 9-1.  

Have a wonderful week,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Sun, Jan 21, 9:58 PM (5 days ago)
to Elite, bcc: me

Good evening EFT families,

Hope you all had a great weekend and stayed warm. We have a few announcements for you so please read to the end,

First, Congratulations to all the students who tested on Saturday and passed their test. To receive a new belt everyone will need to attend their current belt class (the classes attended before testing) and get the new belt at the end of the class, then students can attend their new classes according to their belt color. All testing papers will be handed back to the students with their grades and comments. Please take some time to go over them with your child.

Green belts who test for Blue stripes, your Intro membership has ended at this level and you will need to talk with me about the next goal. If you are in a Black Uniform already you do not need to speak with me.

New Green belts can attend Board Breaking classes now, Yellow belts will start sparring classes and will need to purchase sparring gears from the office.

This Wed 1/24 we have Day Camp for teacher work day. Register here,

Thurs 1/25 and Friday 1/26, Master Houman and I will be teaching at Hayes Barton United Methodist Preschool in the morning.

Jan 31st, next Wed is the deadline to register for Feb 3rd Rumble. This Rumble was put together with our friends at Yong-In Martial Arts in Holly Springs. It is also our event so please consider attending if Sparring is something that you like, want to do more of, like competition and were on EFT competition team. Rumble is not a competition but it is a non-stop sparring with other students. You may have different coaches and see different styles of teaching. You can register on our website, under register- public. A parent or guardian must be with the students. Electronic gears will be used for practice. The fee is $50 a student.

Reminder- Feb 10th, Valentine's Day Parent Date Night. Register here

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Sun, Jan 14, 5:48 PM (12 days ago)
to Elite, bcc: me
Good day everyone,

Hope you all had a great weekend.  We would like to thank all of those who came to the EFT Annual Holiday Party and brought something to share with everyone.  Thank you to all those who helped out with set up and clean up and everything else in between. 

Thank you to our Amazing Demo Team by putting in such a fun and exciting show.  Everyone loved it and we are so proud of our Team Members. The Demo Team also did another show the next day for a Birthday party and that was pretty awesome as well.  Thank you for showing up and doing your best!  Julian played his amazing guitar and rocked the church, thank you 

Julian  It is always very entertaining to watch you.

We would like to thank our wonderful Sponsors.  

Sir Walter Chevrolet of Raleigh, Matt Birckhead for catering the dinner through Smithfield BBQ. It was delicious, thank you so much.  We appreciate and treasure our friendships forever. 

 Comfort Ambiance Heating and Cooling for giving away two gifts valued at $59 and one at $489.  The winners please come ask me for your prize next week.

Petal & Ferne at 5 points, also gave out two prizes.  This beautiful flower shop is owned by Ms Seung, one of our own Moms who has been with EFT for about 7 years. 

For next week we have the following announcements:

Testing Sat 20th.  Starting at 9:30 for Elite Embers, Low Ranks and Middle Ranks.  If your child has all his/her stripes go to our website, print the testing paper, fill it out fully (your part and student's part), pay online and bring the paper to the Dojang.   All testing papers are due this Thursday.  Papers turned in after Thursday are counted as late $.  We can do private testing if you miss it.  Go ahead and turn in your paper and mark it private.  Password for Login is eftfamily.  Will announce the time at a later date.    

        No classes on Saturday.  We will be testing all morning.   

Tuesday Leadership Team- If you are interested in joining our Leadership Team please come this Tuesday night to the class.   Let me know if you have any questions.

        WE are OPEN Tomorrow.  Regular schedule!   

DAY CAMP- Jan 24th is a teacher workday. Go to our website to register for the Day Camp. Non-members are welcome. 

Valentine's Parent Date night- Feb 10th 6-9.  Sign up on the website. All are welcome. Ages 5 and up.

As I mentioned at our Holiday Party this year we are starting a new program that will help our students with volunteer hours.  If you are interested in helping out please come see me. 

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

From: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>
Date: Mon, Jan 1, 2024 at 5:11 PM
Subject: Announcements
To: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>

Dear EFT students and families,

Happy New Year! Wishing you a year filled with joy, success, and new adventures. Cheers to 2024! 🎉🥂🎆

We look forward to an exciting year ahead. We have changed two classes on the old schedule (it was posted and mentioned over a month ago), this new schedule starts Jan 3rd. It is for a White belt class and Embers classes so please take a look. The changes are on Tuesday and Friday,

Classes resume on Jan 3rd.  We will be cleaning the Dojang tomorrow,  touching up paint, mopping, deep cleaning, and scrubbing the mats so it will be all fresh and clean for the new year! 

Friday Jan 12th is our Annual Holiday celebration.  The activities will start at 6 and end at 9.  All EFT families are invited to attend (encouraged).  We will have some fun entertainment for you so you do not want to miss it.  We will have tickets available on the 3rd for $5 a person.  Please do not purchase tickets if you are not going to attend.  A sign up Form will be emailed shortly.  Once you sign up you can pay at the dojang and get your tickets.  We will have more details on what to bring in a few days. 

If you own a business and would like to donate services or merchandise to give away please contact me as soon as possible so I can put you in the schedule.  

Seminar #1 is this Saturday from 1-2:30.  Black Belt candidates please ask us any questions you may have for the first seminar now.  Do not wait till the 6th! 

We are working on our yearly schedule now and hope to have it all done in the next few days.  

Can't wait to see you all in classes,

Neshat Mirzaei

Manager, Marketing/Program Director


Elite Fire Taekwondo

Mon, Dec 25 at 3:44 PM

Dear Elite Fire Taekwondo families,

As we approach the end of 2023, we wanted to take a moment to extend our warmest holiday greetings and wish you all a very happy New Year. It has been a remarkable year filled with growth, achievements, and the unwavering support of our incredible Taekwondo community.

We are truly fortunate to have such wonderful families as part of our Elite Fire Taekwondo family. Your dedication to the Dojang and the well-being of your children is inspiring, and we cannot express our gratitude enough for your continuous support.

Throughout 2023, we've worked tirelessly to provide the highest quality Taekwondo training to our students, instilling in them not only martial arts skills but also the invaluable Black Belt Life Skills. Our commitment to helping our students become not just better martial artists, but better individuals, remains unwavering.

One of the highlights of this year was our participation in various National, State, and International Tournaments with our Competition Team. These events allowed our students to showcase their skills, determination, and sportsmanship on a broader stage, and we couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments.

Additionally, we welcomed new students to our Demonstration Team, and our Leadership Team expanded significantly with the addition of many new members. In 2023, we took a significant step by employing some of our Leadership Team members for the first time, a milestone we hope to build upon in the coming years.

Our commitment to providing a holistic Taekwondo experience extends beyond our young learners. This year, we introduced a new group for our adult students, and it has been a fantastic journey filled with enjoyable activities each month. The enthusiasm and dedication of our adult members have added a new dimension to our Taekwondo school, and we look forward to continuing this journey together.

In 2023, Máster Houman and I embarked on a significant personal journey by purchasing a new house in North Raleigh. This decision was driven by our desire to reduce the long commutes we've had to endure in the past two years. We're delighted to be part of our new neighborhood and are enjoying all the wonderful things it has to offer.

While we've dedicated ourselves to Taekwondo and our students with unwavering commitment, we recognize the importance of balancing our own health and well-being. In 2024, one of our top priorities is to make more time for our own health and exercise. We believe that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will not only benefit us but also set a positive example for our students.

Family has always been at the core of our lives, and we cherish the time we spend with our loved ones. Our families hold a special place in our hearts, and their support has been instrumental in our journey.

Lastly, we must mention our beloved dog, Gorgi. She is a precious gift in our lives, bringing us joy and unconditional love every day. We are grateful to have her as a part of our family.

As we approach the New Year, we want to express our gratitude for your continued support, loyalty, and dedication to Elite Fire Taekwondo. Your trust in us and your commitment to your own and your children's growth mean the world to us.

We look forward to a fantastic 2024 filled with growth, success, and shared accomplishments. Together, we will continue to thrive and achieve greatness.

Wishing you all a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Warm regards,
Neshat and Houman Mirzaei

From: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>
Date: Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 7:48 PM
Subject: Next week's announcements
To: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>

Good evening EFT families, 

We hope that you had a nice weekend even with all the rain we got today.  Hopefully tomorrow will be a sunny day.

Next week is a short week for us. We will have a regular schedule Monday through Wednesday and on Thursday and Friday we will have Full Day Camps.  No classes on Thursday and Friday.  

Anyone can sign up for our Day Camps which are full day and half day.  Here is the link,  Master Houman and I will be at both camps, playing and having a fun time. 

We will not have Employee meeting tomorrow night. And Leadership class is cancelled as well on Tuesday.  We know everyone needs a little extra time right before the Holiday Break.  

We will be focusing on Boardbreaking this week (M-W).  This will be the last three days for families to join in the classes (White/beginner classes).  We did enjoy all those who tried classes and had fun with their kids or siblings.  

See you all in classes,
Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

From: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>
Date: Sun, Dec 10, 2023 at 9:23 PM
Subject: Next week's announcements
To: Elite Fire Taekwondo <>

Dear EFT families,

Hope you all had a nice weekend even with all the rain and wind.  

The Smolders made it out safely ;) We had a very fun time, make sure to check out the videos and pictures as soon as they are posted.  We did something a bit different this time and felt like the Embers!  It was a lot of fun and thank you to all those who came out in the storm. 

On Friday evening, our new group of Black Belt candidates met for the first time while we went over all they needed to prepare for their test in May of  2024.  Mr Sean and Dr Jean gave us a very nice presentation about The Umstead Coalition which is our next Non-profit organization to raise funds for and be a part of.  

Leadership Team- We will have a curriculum test next Tuesday the 19th for everyone.  Please have all your questions ready this Tuesday.  This is a follow up on what we talked about in our last class.  

Evaluations for the Leadership Team members- It is that time again to go over everything you have learned and can improve on.  This evaluation is for Leadership Team members only.  

This must be done with a parent and it can be done at the beginning or end of a class that you are participating in (taking not assisting).  If you are not volunteering in a class yet, you do not need this evaluation. 

Day Camp, Dec 21-22- Full and Half day camp is still available.  Please go to our Website to register and Pay.  These camps are not just for EFT members, non-members are also welcome. 

Please make sure to put down Jan 12th in your calendars for our Holiday Party.  This will be our third year and we are very excited about it.  We will have all the details for you soon. 

Reminder- We are now booking for Birthday parties in 2024. Times are limited so go ahead and reserve your spot. 

We will be closed for the Christmas Holiday from 21st-2nd of January.  We will however hold Day Camps on 21st and 22nd.  As mentioned before, in December all parents and siblings are welcome to join in a White Belt class.  Just sign the waiver on our website and show up at the right time. Also, all students in our 2x a week can come to more classes to make up for any classes missed and the Holiday closing.

Let's have a fun week and see you all in classes!

Neshat Mirzaei
Manager, Marketing/Program Director

Date: Sun, Dec 3 at 8:49 PM
Subject: Next week's announcements

Happy Sunday Dear EFT families,

Hope you all had a nice week and weekend.  Here is a quick review of what is coming up. 

Wednesday, 12/6- Anna Totten, a local artist will be showing her latest merchandise just in time for Xmas. She has beautiful artwork for sale.  Here is her link to her business,  You can visit her table at EFT on Wed during class times.  You can also order from her website and pick up on Wed from EFT. 

Thursday and Friday, 12/7 & 12/8- visiting Hayes Barton Methodist to teach 2 classes. 

Friday, 12/8- Prep Seminar for Brown Belts who will be testing for their first degree, 2nd degree and 3rd degree black belts, in May.  If you are planning on testing in May you will need to be at this seminar.  Students under the age of 18 must have a parent with them at this meeting.  I will go over all the details of testing and hand out the Black Belt testing requirements.  If you miss this seminar, you will need to wait for the next one in 6 months.  We will start at 5:15. The meeting should not be longer than an hour. 

Sunday, 12/10- Smolders outing.  If you are an adult student but have not received an email from Miss Lori please let me know!  

Reminder- All students who normally attend classes 2x a week can attend 3x in Dec.  In addition, parents and siblings can try white belt classes.  If your child is a higher rank they can attend a white belt class with you.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Make sure to sign the waiver before coming to class. 

Birthday Parties- We are booking for 2024 so make sure to book your time slot now!!  

Day Camp- Dec 21st & 22nd.  We need a min of 5 kids to run the camp.  Please register through our website.  You will find the link under Store-Public Store. 

Looking forward to a fun week ahead.

Date: Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Pausing Policy at EFT

Dear EFT members,

We hope this message finds you well. We would like to take a moment to address our Pausing policy, which has been a topic of discussion recently. We understand that there may be reasons for some members to request a pause in their memberships, particularly in light of the Holiday Season and EFT being closed for the Holidays. 

First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our dedicated staff who work diligently to support our Dojang and its members. It is essential for them to have some time to spend with their families and recharge, especially during the holiday season. We believe it would be unfair to ask them to work during this period.

As for ourselves, we also value this time to spend with our loved ones and engage in activities such as deep cleaning and maintenance of the Dojang. Additionally, Master Houman will be traveling to teach a seminar in Canada this December, further emphasizing the importance of our brief closure.

In addition we announced that, in response to the holiday closings, we are expanding our training opportunities. Members who typically attend classes twice a week will have the option to participate in up to three classes during the month of December. Additionally, we extend a warm invitation to all families, including parents and siblings of our members, to join our classes for free throughout December. To get started, simply visit our website to access the required waiver form.

We want to reassure you that we continuously invest in our education within the field of Martial Arts and business to enhance the quality of our program and serve you better. Pausing all memberships for extended periods could potentially impact the sustainability of our Dojang. Therefore, we have a pausing policy in place for the summer season but not for the Xmas Holiday, except in cases of medical injuries with proper documentation.

We are dedicated to improving our program daily and greatly value the support of our parents and members in achieving this goal. If anyone is experiencing financial difficulties, please do not hesitate to reach out to us, as we have a "Helping Hand" program in place to provide assistance. We are always here to help and are grateful for the support of our EFT community.

It is because of your support that we are able to maintain the high quality of our Taekwondo Dojang in the area. We hope this message clarifies some of the concerns regarding the upcoming holiday season.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Email from Sun, Nov 26, 2023 at 3:00 PM

Happy Turkey Day EFT families, 

We hope you all enjoyed spending time with your families.  We are so grateful for our EFT families and the relationship we have with all of you.  

Thinking of all the food we consumed during this holiday and what is to come in less than a month, we are offering a three weeks  Taekwondo Training for anyone in the EFT family who wants to workout and be in shape for the Holiday season.  This could be for parents, siblings and even grandparents.  This is to show you all how much we appreciate you!  Oh, did I forget to tell you how much it would cost? ... It is Free.  All you need to do is to go to our website, member login and fill out the waiver form.  Once you submit it then I know who will be starting the class.  Make sure to give me the participant's name and age.  Hope to see you in our White Belt classes at least 2x a week.  No uniforms needed, just comfortable clothing to train in.  

Nov 29th: Black Belt Kukkiwon Certificates will be given at 7:10 before the end of class. 

Demp Team:  Birthday Party on Saturday Dec 2nd.  Need to sign up on the schedule sheet.

Day Camp: Dec 21st and Dec 22nd.  Please go to our website-store-public store and register/pay to book your spot.  

Dec 8th: Prep Seminar for those testing for their 1st + Black Belts in May.  You MUST attend this seminar.  The testing student and a parent need to be there.  If you miss this date unfortunately you will need to wait for the next testing.  Zoom is not offered. This date and all other dates have been on our website for over a year so you can make plans ahead of time.  Hope we can see all of you there! 

Dec 21st- Jan 2nd: Closed for the Holiday.  In Dec students who have 2x a week packages can attend 3x a week to make up for the Holiday hours. 

Jan 12th: EFT Holiday Party.  More details will be announced later.  This is on a Friday from 6-9. We will celebrate at Highland Methodist Church at the corner of Ridge Rd.  Save this date. No regular classes on this day. 

Email from Sun, Nov 19 at 7:28 PM

Good evening EFT students and families,

Hope you all had a great weekend.  We were so happy to see many of you at the Dojang on Saturday for testing.  We had an amazing day going through the belt ranks and testing each level.  In the afternoon we had our guest judges arrive and continued with our Black Belt testing. 

We would like to Congratulate all those students, parents and grandparents (we had so many come and watch) who tested or watched testers on a job well done! Our high ranks got to test after 6 months for higher levels and Black Belt candidates were the most trained group of all.  After so many hours of training, working on personal Black Belt projects and the Fundraising Group project they finally got to show everyone all that they had worked on.  All the judges were very impressed.  Wow was the key word. 

Students who will be moving up please attend your current class this week till you get your new belt and then you can go to your new classes.  Elite Embers who were told will be moving to our Taekwondo program, please see me if you have not received the new uniform and need to go over the new program with me.  

We are Open Wednesday Nov 22nd, day before Thanksgiving.  We do have 

Day Camp from 9-4 on that day followed by regular classes.  We still have space available if you like to sign up your child/children.  Please go to our website,  click on store, then public store and you will see the link for the camp.  You can do half or full day.  

We will be closed Nov 23-25th for Thanksgiving Holiday.  

Demo Team- please sign up for the Dec 2nd Birthday party on our Demo schedule.  

Holiday Celebration- As always we will have our Super Family Fun party but this year will be January 12th from 6-9.  Mark your calendars for that date and we hope to see more of you this year. Details will be shared soon.