Elite Embers and Low ranks testing info
The information below is for our Elite Embers and Low ranks testings.
All testing papers are due on the Thursday before the testing day . We will not accept any testing papers after this day. Any papers turned in after will be a late entry $.
You can start turning in testing papers once students have all their stripes. Please look at the curriculum to see if the student has all the required stripes for testing. A copy of all curriculums is on our wall at the Dojang and on our website. You may turn in the testing paper at any time (by Thur before testing on Saturday). Registration for testing is online. If you miss this testing, you still need to turn in the testing paper. Mark the private box on the testing paper. There is an extra $20 charge per student for private/makeup tests. A couple of dates will be announced later for a makeup test.
This is how you register:
Go to our website at elitefiretkd.com and login as a member. The password is eftfamily. https://www.elitefiretkd.com/tkdtestingp this is the link for all testing papers White to Poom. Look for your child's specific belt and print that form. Please print in color. Fill out the part that is for you and the other part is for your child. This is your chance to talk about goals and expectations. We read every single one of these forms. https://www.elitefiretkd.com/ee-testing-p this link is for Elite Embers. You can find all this information in the member section using your password.
To Pay for your Testing:
https://www.elitefiretkd.com/member-register, you can go to this link to pay."